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Mandatory cookies
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Statistical cookies. This webpage uses the Google Analytics service made by Google Inc. which uses the cookies stored on your computer to enable analysis of how you use the relevant website. The information generated by the cookies about how you use the website is sent and stored to the Google server. Your IP address, when applying IP anonymisation, is shortened within the territory of the European Union or the European Economic Area. Google uses the information in order to assess how you use the particular website in order to prepare reports for website providers about activities on the relevant websites and to provide other services related to the use of websites and the internet. Google will never link the IP address received here with any other information being at the disposal of Google. In case of need, Google may provide this information to third parties if it is stipulated in laws or if third persons perform the processing of such data on the assignment of Google.
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You may reject the creation, storage, and processing of such statistics by manually disabling the use of the cookie handling mechanism in your browser at any time. However the mandatory cookies are necessary to provide site functionality for commercial customers according to services contract between LETA and Customer. Rejecting cookies will render the contract impossible to perform.