Press release writing guidelines


1. Date must be at the beginning of a press release.

2. Title that is catchy and briefly tells the essence of the message.

For example, Ministers choose telecommunication operator Tele 2.

Not – Operator Tele2 signs a contract with the State Chancellery about provision of telecommunications for government.

3. Introduction that explains the title in more detail.

For example, Tele 2 has signed a contract with the State Chancellery about provision of telecommunications for the government. In the public procurement, Tele 2 could offer the best terms and conditions for this contract to be signed.

4. Quote – it is always better to include in a press release quotes from so called third parties, in other words, people or companies who are not directly related to your company, but are well known and respected experts in the community.

For example, “State Chancellery tender requirements to providers of mobile telecommunications were rather stringent due to the fact that contract quarantees a long term cooperation with a stable cash flow. Tele 2’s ability to meet the required standards confirms its effectivness.

5. Facts that support statements mentioned in the introductory part of a press release.

For example, Tele 2’s developed mobile telecommunications offer especially to meet tender requirements includes… For State, this service will cost 15 % less than to any other Tele 2 client, because the contract terms and conditions allow Tele 2 to significantly reduce the price for its mobile services. Total sum according to contract … includes…

6. Background information about enterprises and institutions mentioned in a press release, and contacts.

7. Details about whom to contact for more information have to be shown at the end of a press release. In this part, usually there is a name of a company, personal details of a representative, telephone number, email address and home page address (if there is one) shown.


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